I'm not even sure if this blog is really worth my time since it's so late but I thought i might as well spread my opinion on the subject. To be completely honest the only western hero I had ever heard of growing up was John Wayne. That was about as in depth as I got into westerns. I remember as a kid on afternoons I would channel surf, I mean what homework did I have as an 8 year old, and stop maybe for a minute or two on a western because the sound of gunshots seduced me. There really is a lot more to them then I remember. Although typical westerns are basically the same they can be very interesting. The scene in My Darling Clementine Wyatt comes into town merely to shave and ends up getting a job as a sheriff. The reluctant hero is there a better kind. This concept is used even today. If anyone has read Harry Potter they know Harry is much like Wyatt in that they both don't want to do it but everyone looks to them when there is danger be
cause they are the natural leader and that basically was the whole point of this blog. I just wanted to point out that Harry Potter is a western with magic instead of guns. Good! Point MADE! try and contest me....ya can't!