The Good The Bad and The Ugly, (directed by Sergio Leone, staring Clint Eastwood, Eli Wallach, and Lee Van Cleef) a typical western movie about three cowboys who's paths cross in the search of 200,000 dollars of the Confederate's army. But where the typical western breaks away is when we are introduced to the fact. It's during the Civil War and the money is buried in the middle of a battle field and a graveyard. Each guy has a piece of the information to which grave it is buried but no one is giving up their information.
Throughout the first ten minutes or so there is no, i repeat, NO talking. No dialogue what so ever. This puzzled me. It added this mysterious effect that wasn't appealing at all. I was literally getting upset cause we are introduced to the bad and the ugly yet we don't know anything about them. All we get is a face. I was literally yelling at the TV and seeing if the sound was on. It was rather uncomfortable. The techniques used in this movie such as camera angles, movement and non diagetic sound help to keep the story moving. However the lack of other elements that keep current audiences focused on the movie and not some new mole they discovered on their arm are in great shortage. I myself fell asleep but was awaken by a bridge exploding so I can't say it was completely boring but didn't hold my interest for the length of more than 2 hours.
I was very let down by the acting of Clint Eastwood. His character was rather bland and uninteresting. I wasn't impressed at all to say the least. In fact it was "the ugly" that really added to the movie. It was what kept me awake for most of the movie. The humor that he brought. He plays an big baboon that has lost any family he once had which makes you truly connect with him and his ridiculous lines of stupidity. You can't help but laugh. I wouldn't say that this is should be in the Top 100 but I'm not saying it shouldn't. I can see why it should with it's cinematography and editing techniques but also the acting and lack of sound can really put you to sleep. I would recommend you watch it but keep all lights on and take a nap ahead of time. It's worth seeing.
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