Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Today is Tomorrow

Bill Murrey stars in the romantic comedy Groundhog Day. I thought this movie was pretty hysterical. My favorite scene is when that insurance salesman yells Ted for the third or fourth time and Bill Murphy flat out punches him in the face. The frustration that guy causes is thoroughly expressed in that one shot. This movie was an unnecessary romantic comedy. I think that the movie would have been good maybe better without him getting together with Rita. However it does give some closure to the story due to the fact that he tried so hard for so long to hook up with her. She wasn't even that good looking. I think it may have been a better movie if they didn't end up together because that was his goal for so long. But the true lesson learned was that he had to be better to people. Treat them as he would like to be treated. The golden rule thought to us by Jesus or in the movies case the groundhog? Relation to the article maybe? Otherwise the movie was hilarious. Repeating the same date over and over again kinda creep but otherwise funny. I enjoyed my experience with this movie. One more time emphasizing through a different arrangement of words... I highly enjoyed this film.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Screwball Comedy

I think I've actually seen this movie before this class but no recent enough where I knew the plot. In the beginning of this movie, the humor is that worse of a cartoon and I had a hard time getting into it but after a while I seemed to get used to it and even understand how ppeople could coceive this as funny. It really hit me when George the dog came into play. His nonstop barking and chasing of people really lightened the mood I thought. Iit was so annoying it became funny. Much like that of the humor found in family guy. If you do a repeated action or noise it's funny, do it long enough it's funnier than before. However Bringing Up Baby might have done it TOO long I still found it to be enjoyable. Now the love part of it didn't really add anything. However, i lkied the fact that David realized that his wife had no point being with him she was a emotionless, heartless woman that sound be living with cats because she can't sustain a relationship. The fact that Susan and David got together at the end was pointless. It was onlythere to provide closure to the end of the movie. You had no feeling of happily ever after like a romantic comedy and that was the only thing that bothered me but overall I quite enjoyed the movie.