Thursday, March 13, 2008


I love Hitchcock he is sort of a genius of his trade. However I did not enjoy The 39 Steps. I was not a fan at all. That could just be because I don't typically enjoy that type of movie. The mystery type thing. I don't like when the whole point of a movie is to solve a mystery and nothing else. However, Rear Window was my favorite of the one's we watched. This also is sort of a crime solving film but in this one we aren't really sure if there is even a crime to solve. This also focuses a lot on the the neighbors and the community around the peeping tom. In the very beginning of the film, I was sort of creeped ou by this guy who spends all his time looking out a window but it becomes less and less creepy because soon enough it's basically the only view you have to see from. Is it less creep because you're the one doing it? Definitely not but everyone sort of feels less weird about it as time goes on.

In general, I am a big fan of Hitchcock andn could see myself watching more of his movies for simple pleasure my own social life negects from. waaaaahahahaahaaaaaahahaaa. I'm a loser. Wait what?

1 comment:

D.M said...

Yeah you wouldn't think this guy is creepy because that's all you do at home...just kidding...but seriously...I'm also surprised that you didn't write about falling asleep while watching this movie. That's rigth Eric, I saw your eyes close on more than one occasion...But I would have to agree with you that this is my favorite Hitchcock movie we watched. The perspective that Hitchcock gives the audience is like we're right there with Jeff.