Monday, May 5, 2008
Love 'Em or Hate "Em
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Robert Altman
Thursday, March 13, 2008
In general, I am a big fan of Hitchcock andn could see myself watching more of his movies for simple pleasure my own social life negects from. waaaaahahahaahaaaaaahahaaa. I'm a loser. Wait what?
The Godfaaaaahaaather (yawn?)
Any farts, this movie talks a great deal about family and the mafia and Micheal, the Godfather's, son has to choose between his wants and his family's wants. There is some killing where one guy kills this the dad and then the son of that dad kills the guy that killed his dad and is pressured into the mafia by his family. In other words, it's all very confusing and long and unnecessary. Coppola does kind of a crappy job in making movies so far. He makes them way too long in his perfectionist ways and his ways are anywhere but perfect in fact they are anything but perfect... maybe even imperfect one might say. I would say that Coppola's ideas for movies are very good but how he goes about making them and writing them are far from great. His ideas for movies are fantastic but the execution of his ideas are awful. just to reiterate my point. So again, Great ideas but horrible execution of ideas. Thank you.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Worth The Time? Probs Not
Our groups director of choice is Francis Ford Coppola. The first movie we watched was Apocalypse Now. It was an interesting movie that really captivated my attention at first but as the movie went on i realized how long it was and I just wanted to get up and leave. If it weren't for the artisticly amazing shots, if that made any sense, I would have gotten my regretful butt up off the couch and go watch something short and attention keeping like Dumb and Dumber. The movie was pretty decent overall however but having to sit and watch something I otherwise wouldn't have and having to stay till the very end because I was "supposed" to was a difficult task.
I haven't seen any other Coppola films. However, I started to watch The Godfather and fell asleep before anything really happened. This worries me because I hope to God that his other films aren't as long as this last one. On the otherhand I love what Coppola has done with film in general, or at least as fas as I can tell from the interview we watched in class last semester, he's making it more of an art form instead of Hollywood blockbuster and not following the norm and just doing whatever it takes to make a great film. So what I'm trying to say is you should see it but don't expect to see something that will be on your own personal favorites. It's a great film not necessarily fun to watch.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Today is Tomorrow
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Screwball Comedy